Saturday, November 27, 2010

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston, along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit, have initiated a series of sermons designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. In addition to the sermons, the Sunday school lessons center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad.

Qurans were placed in the pews next to the Bibles and a new term has been coined for this effort of tolerance - CHRISLAM.

While "dialogue" with Muslims sounds like the "Christian" thing to do, it furthers the problem while legitimizing the teachings of Mohammad. But whenever this "dialogue" is looked into, one learns that on the part of the Christians, there is no sharing of the gospel, or for that matter, any kind of biblical truth. Both sides say nice things about each other. Some Christian pastors then bring that into their pulpit because they are deceived/fooled/snowed into thinking that Muslims really want to like us and work with Christians. They will willingly work with any Christian they can fool, and these days there is no shortage of those willing to compromise the gospel.

Thus, the birth of Chrislam.

The communists have a term for such people who knowingly cooperate with their agenda: Useful idiots - a term used for those who are fooled into thinking progress is being made by cooperating with the enemy.

Scripture is clear about uniting with unbelievers:

Do not be bound together with unbelievers, for what partnership has righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Should you come into your church this Sunday and find a Koran lying next to a Bible, flee as fast as you can. Your church has drunk the Kool-Aid and who knows what sorts of compromises will come next.

We CANNOT praise the teachings of Islam or recognize the religion as one of peace. We cannot go along to get along, tolerant false teachings and false teachers and call ourselves Christians.

[Special thanks to Jan Markell and Carly Matrisciana for their research and diligence to stand as watchmen on the wall].

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