Saturday, October 25, 2014

Even as Jerusalem and Washington locked horns earlier this month in a very public spat over construction in Jerusalem, more than three-fourths of the Jewish-Israeli public is opposed to the establishment of a Palestinian state if it means dividing Jerusalem, according to a recently released poll.

The poll, sponsored by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and conducted by the Shvakim Panorama research institute, found that 76 percent of the Jewish public opposed a Palestinian state if it meant dividing the capital, indicating that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took no political risks – and indeed reflected a wide consensus opinion – when he publicly sparred with the White House earlier this month over plans to build in Givat Hamatos and allow Jews to move into Silwan.

Source: Jerusalem Post

(The latest violence in East Jerusalem is yet another proof that Israel must remain swiftly in control of its capital. If the Israel police slumber or sleep for a second, the city of David will be turned into the rubble city of Aleppo). Ivar

As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has noted, Israel and the Jews "have no greater friends and allies" than the 70-million strong Evangelical Christian community in the United States -- better friends, in fact, than much of the American Jewish Community.

Let’s keep it that way.!!!.

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