Wednesday, October 7, 2015

If upon Israel is where God’s eye always is…if Jerusalem is His chief joy…if the way individuals and nations relate to Israel affects their lives and destiny…if all is to the Jew first…then does it seem too radical a premise that the world’s current refugee crisis somehow has something to do with relationship to Israel?  Take the deal with Iran and its almost-sure result for us.  Has the world not sought to take the land God set for Abraham’s children to steward and give it to those that are not a people?  Consider how our surrounding Arab neighbors closed their doors in 1948 to receive the now-called Palestinians for the express and stated purpose of raising up a generation that would live to hate and annihilate Israel?  Can you imagine a connection between the fact the world continues to pressure us to open our borders to those sworn to our destruction, and the flood of Islamic fundamentalists looking to take over Europe, which is now being overrun with so-called refugees, the bulk of whom are just looking for a better life?  Restraints have seemingly been removed.  We can make no progress if we do not accurately discern the nature and cause of what is before us.  Arnie Klein/Israel

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