Tuesday, December 8, 2015

MERKEL’S GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCES SUPPORT FOR EU LABELING OF SETTLEMENT PRODUCTS:  A spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday 7 Dec. 2015, she supports labeling of Israeli settlement products from the disputed territories of Judea & Samaria, east Jerusalem and Golan Heights. The spokesman said that Merkel responded to a recent EU resolution to affix such a label to such items appearing on store shelves. The decision was a significant setback for the Israeli government, which had sought Germany’s help in convincing EU member states to reject implementation of labeling. It also contrasted with the spirit of close ties as the countries were winding up a year of events marking 50 years of diplomatic ties. Merkel has repeatedly stressed her opposition in interviews and statements over the last year to boycotts of Israel, but has declined to offer a specific view on the labeling measure. (Jerusalem Post)

1 comment:

  1. Thinly disguised anti-Semitism. A double-minded foreign policy is not fully trustworthy. Be careful Bibi.
