Friday, January 27, 2017

“OBAMA CAN STILL BE A THORN IN TRUMP’S SIDE’: Caroline Glick, a senior editor at Israeli news portals Maariv and the Jerusalem Post, discussed her expectation that former President Obama will do his utmost to make life difficult for his successor. She said that this is the first time that an outgoing president has declared that he will act in opposition to the next president. "Barack Obama, who represents the American left, says that he is not going anywhere and that he would lead the opposition against Trump. This is something which has never been seen before. Previous outgoing presidents would board Air Force One, wave goodbye, and return to their private lives. Obama and his wife chose to stay in Washington. He declared that he was going to try and put sticks in the wheels of the new administration, and this is a very serious matter. Obama has not accepted the judgment of the voters. There has never been a president who used so much of his strength to bully his enemies. He used the tax authorities in the USA to suppress the opposition, and of course, there is his attitude towards Israel. Under Obama's leadership the Democratic Party has lost a thousand seats in the state legislatures and two-thirds of the governors are Republican. The Republicans also control both houses of Congress. The Democrats have never been this weak," she said. According to Glick, Tump knows how to handle disruptions from Obama. "Trump can deal with Obama. He won't play by the rules of etiquette and can cope better than any other politician with the expected attacks from Obama." (Arutz-7)

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