Tuesday, August 22, 2017

HAMAS CAMP TRAINS CHILDREN FOR ‘LIBERATION OF PALESTINE’: Hamas held a closing ceremony in Gaza on Friday 18 August 2017, for 120,000 boys and girls attending the terrorist group’s summer schools. The ceremony, for some 1,000 students who took part in the camps was framed as part of the group's plan to continue its armed conflict with Israel. Boys between 15 and 18 years of age were put through military drills, including shooting with live ammunition and training in scouting skills. Hamas official Ashraf Abu Zayed said the training came within the framework of "preparing for the liberation of Palestine. We are trying to invest the younger generation and guide them towards the liberation project," he told media sources, referring to armed struggle against Israel. Hamas’ so-called “military wing”, the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, regularly trains children at its camps on military skills, such as use of weapons, and also simulates the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. Hamas has previously launched a program to teach “resistance” to Israel in Gaza’s public school system. (Arutz-7) Pray for the children of Gaza to be rescued and released from this hellish agenda for their lives. Pray for God's better plan to come into place.

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