Monday, January 29, 2018

UNRWA AND THE SO-CALLED “RIGHT OF RETURN”: When Israel was created in 1948; Arab states and Arab Palestinians attacked the Jewish community in Palestine and the Jewish state, vowing to "drive the Jews into the sea." They lost the war however, and some 600,000-750,000 Palestinians at the behest of Arab leaders voluntarily fled the area that became Israel. Palestinians claim any peace agreement with the Jewish state must allow the descendants and families of these refugees, now numbering over 6.5 million to return to Israel. If Israel were to agree to this Jews would became a minority in their own state. Return of the refugees would put an end to the Jewish homeland. Meanwhile UNRWA, Western governments, and global humanitarian aid agencies support the ever-growing numbers of refugee descendants - with vast percentages of that aid flowing into terrorist coffers and the pockets of corrupt leaders. (JNN)

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