Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Excerpts from speech by:
Geert Wilders, Cornerstone Church,
Nashville, Tennessee:

"The day when America follows the example of Europe and Canada and introduces so-called "hate speech crimes" which is only used to punish people who are critical of Islam, that day America will have lost its freedom.

I travel the world to tell people what Europe has become. I am here today with an unpleasant message. I am here with a warning. I am here with a battle cry: "Wake up, Islam is at your gate." Islam is an ideology of conquest. It uses two methods to achieve this goal: the first method is the sword, the second, immigration.

Islam is spreading like wildfire wherever people lack the guts to say that their values are better than the Islamic values. Islam is spreading like wildfire because the Koran explicitly tells Muslims that they are "the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind" and that non-Muslims are "the worst of creatures." Islam is spreading like wildfire everywhere in the West where political, academic, cultural and media elites lack the guts to proudly proclaim, as I believe we all should proclaim: Our Judeo-Christian Western culture is far better and far superior to the Islamic culture. We must be proud to say so!

You and I, Americans and Europeans, we belong to a common Western culture. We share the ideas and ideals of our common Judeo-Christian heritage. In order to pass this heritage on to our children and grandchildren, we must stand together, side by side, in our struggle against Islamic barbarism.

What we need is a spirit of resistance. Why? Because resistance to evil is our moral duty. This resistance begins with expressing our solidarity to Christians, Jews, indeed, to all people worldwide, who are the victims of Islam.

We will stand firm,we will stand together.We will not submit. Never. Not in Israel, not in Europe, not in America. Nowhere. We will survive. We will stop Islam.  We will defend our freedoms. We will remain free."

We must.!.

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